Explore the World of FOODNOUNS

Congrats on the purchase of your new FOODNOUN!

We are thrilled to welcome you to the FOODNOUNS DAO family! Go through this quick checklist to make sure you have everything you need to get started in the FOODNOUNS DAO Community.


Be sure to follow @foodnouns on Twitter!


As a FOODNOUNER, you have access to channels that only “FOODNOUNERS” have access to. To get your FOODNOUNER role on the FOODNOUNS DAO Discord (discord.gg/foodnounsdao), follow the link here.

After you gain access to the server, the following channels will be the best places to start:

⭐__foodnouners This is the private FOODNOUNER chat. All chats are public to view and other server members can tap existing reactions, but only FOODNOUNERS will be able to chat here.


This channel has the general chat for the whole server. All members with the “Verified” role will gain access to this channel.


This is the private chat channel for Kitchen Nouncil members.


For a full FOODNOUNS Wiki, check out Chef Notebook!
